DIY Pillow Quilt - Summer Simplified

What you will need for your DIY project:


-Pillow Covers- I use 16 square covers

-Pillow Inserts- 16 or as many pillows that you have

-Coloured Thread

-Darning Needle

-Duct Tape



-Lay your pillow covers out in the configuration/shape you want for your final pillow quilt

-Using duct tape, tape off the corners of the pillows that touch in a spiral shaped pattern starting from the outside in

-Again, starting from the outside in, use the darn needle to stitch the pillow corners together using the colourful thread. Loop the thread about 6 times and tie securely. Continue this step until all the pillow covers are stiched together in a spiral pattern.

-Fill all covers with the pillow inserts.